tirsdag 27. januar 2015

Review – Disconnect

The movie I have just watched is a drama centred on a group of different people searching for human connections in today´s wired world. It shows very clearly how easy it is to mess up someone´s life via different abusive techniques in the cyber world. Cyberbullying and ID-theft are central themes in this film.

In my opinion, the issues presented in the film are very serious. It is very important to show how easy it is for a hacker to exploit unaware people and steal their personal information, which they can use as they like. People must become more attentive as to what they actually click on online, because everything might hide a potential danger to you or your family.

The film also talks about bullying via the net, often referred to as cyberbullying. The fact is that cyberbullying is far easier to commit, and often more extensive, than just normal bullying. It is so much easier to say something to somebody, when you are not actually standing in front of him or her. It´s just a joke, they might be telling themselves, just a little teasing to mess with the poor kid. That’s how they defend it, the “bully´s”. However, deep down, they too do probably know how serious it really is. Words are not so easy to take back once they´ve been typed and you press enter. Those words might really hurt. And I am telling you right now: Do NOT, under any circumstances send pictures lightly. Be careful as to what you show someone you don’t know very well, because if you do, you might be in for a very unpleasant surprise. These days, it is far too easy to spread a photo so everybody can see it.

It is also important to be aware of the many youths that are used on the various illegal streaming sites online. Most of the kids you see there are homeless, under aged kids that have been persuaded by the promise of a roof to live under and some easy money.

I found this film a very good one, as it presents a good view on how reality actually can be for some people out there. The ending was in my opinion maybe not of the greatest, but it was okay and I felt satisfied with the quality of the movie. It was at times deadly serious, yet it also managed to keep some touching aspects as well. It is not easy to choose just one part of the film that made an impression on me, because I have to say, that the entire movie did so.

onsdag 21. januar 2015

Technology – for better or worse?

The texts I have just read are centred on the subject of technology and its uses in modern society. As it turns out, there are nearly a limitless supply of options for how we can use the technology in our everyday life. The development of smartphones, and the apps that goes with them, have changed the way we live. How we interact with people, how we do our jobs, and how we spend our free time; all changed because of one small device. It has become quite popular, for example, to date using an app called Tinder, where the only thing required of you is enough IQ to know how to swipe, and perhaps why… Some argue that while this makes it easier meeting new people, it has also lessened the actual sense of getting to know someone. It seems that in using this application, the excitement of the experience is not centred around the sense of getting to know him or her, but rather on the joy of easily being able to encounter the person, and eventually a new one. Competence in the technological world is also becoming a more common requirement in the jobs of today.

Some of the texts also informs us as to how easy it is doing criminal things with the use of the internet. Commercials and other articles on the internet might not always be what they claim to be, but instead contain viruses designed to harm your computer, or snatch personal information. This is a very important aspect of the digital world; the privacy issues concerning personal information.

I find many of the messages in these texts to be somewhat important and correct observations on the subject of technological development and usage. That many of us humans have become more and more dependent on our smartphones, our computers and our tablets, is a well-known fact. However, I suspect that very few of us actually think about what that means, how big a part they actually play in our lives. Is it for better, or worse…?

I must admit to using these technological devices, or at least a few of them. I do have a computer. Two actually, one for school and one for private use. However, I have yet to acquire myself a smartphone. There is a lot of pressure though, so I ”fear” it won’t be long until I get one :D After all, there are many benefits from having one. 

onsdag 7. januar 2015

1. Do you think the colonies had good reason to declare Independence? Why?
2. Should one country be able to colonize another? When should a colony be granted Independence?
3. The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans "the right to bear arms". Many Americans still feel this is important for personal safety and in case they need to revolt against their own government, They argue that the Minutemen and the local militias only won the fight for Independence because they had firearms. What do you think? Should everyone have the right to bear arms? All kinds of arms?
4. If you were to present your nation's history in the same way as above, which events would you choose? Why? - List the events and write a couple of sentences about them.

Events in American History

1. Yes, I think the colonies had good reason to declare independence. Great Britain is so far away from the US that it would be absurd if they should be the ones making all the ruling decisions. Besides, they said it themselves: “… all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights: Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

2. I don´t think one country should be able to colonize another. Some hundred years ago it may have been common, as they discovered “new” land all the time, but nowadays I don´t think it would be appropriate if a country made another country a part of itself.  Colonizing is an old-fashioned system of conquest. When the society in the colony has changed enough so that it differs from the colonizing state, it will soon demand its Independence.

3. I don´t think everyone should have the right to bear arms. That is an old law, fashioned to fit the demand for something that would enable the people to protect themselves, in a time where danger was imminent, and the US was a more lawless place than today. In these times, the society is a far safer place than before, and the police should be able to keep things in order. However, to make the Americans give up their right to bear guns will probably be a very difficult task, as they now see it as their legal right to carry it. It would be difficult for many to entrust the responsibility of their safety to the government. However, once the guns vanished from the everyday life, and became harder to come by, it would probably reduce the crime rate in America, although to think that this will ever happen may be a bit naïve.

4. List of historical events: The Viking period was from between 800-1100 AD, At the start of the Viking Period, Norway was not one united country, but many small kingdoms. Harald Fairhair (Harald Hårfagre) became king of a large portion of Norway in 872.
The union between Denmark and Norway: During the 1300s Denmark gained more and more influence over Norway and, in 1397, Norway was absorbed into a formal union with Denmark and Sweden. This union was ruled by a common king. Sweden gradually seceded from the union, but Denmark and Norway remained united until 1814. The union was governed from Denmark. Copenhagen was the cultural centre of the union and Norwegians read and wrote in Danish.
The plague: The Black Death came to Norway in 1349, in short time it had killed a third of the Norwegian population.
The Norwegian constitution: The Norwegian constitution was formed in 1814, and thus we broke free of the Danish grasp.
 WW2: The Nazi invaded us on the 9th of April 1940, and because of that, Norway was dragged into the war.